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Sciton BBL

What is BBL Broadband Light?

BBL is an innovative technology that sets new standards for skin conditions associated with aging, active lifestyles, and sun damage. BBL energy allows the physician to precisely treat age and sun spots, small facial veins, and many other skin conditions. Your treatment will be tailored to match your skin type and your desired results. Any area of your body can be treated. The most common areas are those most exposed to the damaging effects of sunlight. The most popular treatments are on the face, neck, back of the hands, chest and shoulders.

The following conditions can be treated with BBL:

  • Pigmented Lesions (e.g., freckles, age spots)
  • Vascular Lesions (e.g., small blood vessels)
  • Acne
  • Skin Firmness
  • Uneven Skin Texture
  • Unwanted Hair

How it works

The light energy delivered by the BBL will gently heat the upper layers of your skin. The heat absorbed by the targeted areas will stimulate your skin cells to regenerate new collagen foundation, leading to increased skin firmness. This process will restore your skin to its natural beauty, blending its natural colors and making it smoother, vibrant and younger looking. In addition, the photo-thermal energy will eliminate fine vessels that cause redness and reduce unwanted melanin that produces pigmented lesions.

During treatment

Your eyes will be protected with safety shields or glasses. You may briefly feel a warm or “rubber band snap” sensation as the light is absorbed by the targeted areas. Your procedure may take a few minutes to half an hour depending on the size of the area to be treated and the type of procedure performed. The physician will discuss all of your options with you.

The procedure is gentle, noninvasive, and safe. Generally, there is no need for a topical anesthetic, however, the physician may choose to use it on more sensitive areas.

The number of treatments needed will vary from patient to patient and the physician will personalize a treatment plan based on the level of improvement you desire. The physician may also combine your treatment with other popular aesthetic procedures to further personalize your treatment.

After treatment

You may experience some redness that should resolve within a few hours. For some pigmented lesions, you will see a darkening of the treated areas followed by fading and flaking off at a later stage. Your treated skin will feel smoother, fine lines and pores will be less noticeable, and sunspots or uneven pigmentation will fade. Results depend on your condition, the number of treatments, and the area treated. The physician will provide you with complete information about the post-treatment care and results.

It is important to follow the physician’s aftercare instructions. You may be given some skin care products and instructions on how to use them. You will be sensitive to ultraviolet light and you must avoid direct sun exposure until completely healed. Fully cover your skin or use a good sunscreen whenever you go outdoors.

This is a noninvasive and gentle procedure with virtually no downtime. In most cases, you are immediately able to return to work, apply makeup, and resume most activities.

Sciton fractional laser

What is ProFractional Therapy?

ProFractional Therapy is a quick and comfortable laser procedure with little downtime, used for improving the overall appearance of your skin. The procedure can be customized to your specific skin conditions and desired outcome. Most areas of the body can be treated. Popular treatment areas are the face and neck, though many people also treat the chest and hands.

How it works

ProFractional Therapy is “fractionated” laser resurfacing, meaning that only a portion of the skin is treated in a session. The treatment uses a laser beam that ablates thousands of pinpoint channels in your skin. Because only a fraction of your skin is directly treated with the laser, the surrounding untreated tissue promotes rapid healing. The skin’s wound healing response creates new collagen which adds firmness and resilience to the skin.

During treatment

Before the treatment, your skin will be cleaned and your eyes will be protected with safety shields. A laser hand piece will be positioned gently on the skin. When the energy laser is applied, you will hear a rapid succession of snapping sounds. The hand piece will be moved around to adjacent locations until the entire treatment area has been covered. The procedure normally takes 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area.

ProFractional Therapy is widely regarded as a comfortable treatment, usually tolerated with the use of a topical numbing cream or local anesthetic, depending on the depth of the treatment.

Excellent results can be obtained in just one treatment, though the number of treatments needed may vary from patient to patient. We can personalize a plan based on your specific needs and we may choose to combine ProFractional Therapy with other aesthetic procedures to further personalize your treatment.

After treatment

Immediately following the procedure you may experience mild redness and a sensation resembling a sunburn. Your after-treatment care may include analgesics and application of an ointment to keep the skin moist. Your skin will be sensitive to ultra-violet light after the treatment, so you must avoid direct sun exposure until fully healed. It is recommended that you always use some level of solar protection to avoid sun damage.

Complete healing typically occurs within a few days and most patients usually feel comfortable enough to get back to work and apply makeup a day or two after treatment. There will be some swelling that will subside within several days following the treatment.

As your skin heals in the days following your treatment, you may notice a general tightening effect. However, the true benefit of ProFractional Therapy is the collagen remodeling that occurs during the 4 to 6 months following your treatment.

BTL Exilis

If you diet, exercise and take good care of your body but still have isolated areas of localized fat that resist your best efforts, we have some good news. Exilis ELITE is a new radio-frequency technology that reduces isolated areas of fat while tightening the skin, and now it is available at the Luxuria Medical Spa of Egg Harbor Township, NJ. Using radio frequency energy, this device offers twice the power and effectiveness of the original Exilis device that is sometimes used at media-spas or salons. With the new Exilis ELITE, you can achieve better results in half the number of treatments with a new advanced safety control. In essence, better results at half the cost! While not a replacement for surgery, for those seeking a non-surgical solution to small areas of fat on the face, neck, body, legs, arms, back and knees or those who wish to improve skin tone and quality, Exilis ELITE is a great alternative.

Exilis ELITE may also be used as a post-procedural adjunct to surgery to help improve and maintain results. Exilis ELITE is a second-generation device that delivers twice the power and effectiveness of the original Exilis device that is sometimes used in spas or salons. Dr. Igor Tsyganov is the first Physician in Southern New Jersey to offer the new EXILIS ELITE non-invasive liposuction.

For more information about Exilis Elite, please call our office at 609-241-8723 for a free consultation. 

BTL Exilis

If you diet, exercise and take good care of your body but still have isolated areas of localized fat that resist your best efforts, we have some good news. Exilis ELITE is a new radio-frequency technology that reduces isolated areas of fat while tightening the skin, and now it is available at the Luxuria Medical Spa of Egg Harbor Township, NJ. Using radio frequency energy, this device offers twice the power and effectiveness of the original Exilis device that is sometimes used at media-spas or salons. With the new Exilis ELITE, you can achieve better results in half the number of treatments with a new advanced safety control. In essence, better results at half the cost! While not a replacement for surgery, for those seeking a non-surgical solution to small areas of fat on the face, neck, body, legs, arms, back and knees or those who wish to improve skin tone and quality, Exilis ELITE is a great alternative.

Exilis ELITE may also be used as a post-procedural adjunct to surgery to help improve and maintain results. Exilis ELITE is a second-generation device that delivers twice the power and effectiveness of the original Exilis device that is sometimes used in spas or salons. Dr. Igor Tsyganov is the first Physician in Southern New Jersey to offer the new EXILIS ELITE non-invasive liposuction.

For more information about Exilis Elite, please call our office at 609-241-8723 for a free consultation. 


Even with diet and exercise, most adults have stubborn areas of fat that seem impossible to get rid of. Now at Luxuria Medical Spa of Egg Harbor Township, with SculpSure, you can target these problem areas in just 25 minutes with no downtime and achieve ultimate results with our laser fat reduction technology.

SculpSure is FDA approved a breakthrough in non-invasive and non-surgical body contouring that treats bothersome areas of fat, helping you achieve the shape you want. The quick 25 minute procedure uses light-based technology to permanently destroy up to 25 % of treated fat in a problem area such as the abdomen and love handles.

You may have heard of CoolSculpting technology. SculpSure takes technology to the next level with results compatible to liposuction.

  • SculpSure removes a higher percentage of Fat than CoolSculpting
  • SculpSure specifically target and destroys only Fat cells
  • SculpSure Tightens and Firms Skin – CoolSculpting can make bruising, swelling and nerve pain
  • SculpSure only takes 25 minutes and can treat multiple erase at same time when CoolSculpting takes 35 to 60 minutes with 2 machine used simultaneously and only treat one area
  • SculPsure patients experience alternation of warm and cooling which is well tolerated – CoolSculpting patients often experience nausea, tingling, pain associated with suctioning and freezing of the skin
  • SculpSure patients has no downtime so you can resume activities immediately when CoolSculpting patients often experience bruising, nerve pain and numbness for several weeks after procedure

Achieving a slimmer, more sculpted appearance is possible with the help of SculpSure. Call us at  1 (609) 241-8723   icon_li   1 (844) 589-8742

to schedule a FREE consultation and learn more about your customized SculpSure treatment. To secure your investment for limited time we offer 1/2 price on skin tightening, stretch marks and cellulite removal in treated area with Exilis, Sciton SkinTight and carboxytherapy.

Treatment results using SculpSure

CoolScolpting VS SculpSure

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